Planning to renovate your home interiors? Check decor tips as per trends in 2022 by Zarafshan Shiraz

From new colour palettes to lighting and ventilation and unique furniture choices, if your new year’s resolution is to give your home a serious makeover, here are some things to keep in mind as home decor experts spill the beans on interior trends for 2022

Decor tips as per trends in 2022 (Pixabay)

The growing importance of sustainable materials and aesthetically curated looks with sensational style are a common point when it comes to fashion of clothes and home interiors and with more than two years of being locked inside our house due to the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns, people are focusing on creating calming environments and regaining connection to the natural world inside their homes by renovating it with natural lighting and ventilation, incorporating plants and creating a visual connection with nature.

From new colour palettes to lighting and ventilation and unique furniture choices, if your new year’s resolution is to give your home a serious makeover, this article is just for you. We got a few home interior experts to share a list of things to keep in mind when planning to renovate home interiors as per the trends for 2022.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Yash Kela, Founder of Arrivae, shared, “The interior design industry has seen a shift in the way homes are designed in the post-pandemic era. An individual’s interaction with space has evolved in the last two years. When considering home renovation, a homeowner must take into consideration space maximisation through made-to-order furniture which is the perfect fit for his/her home as well as budget.”

He added, “Maximising storage solutions and multipurpose furniture must be incorporated in a home. Looking at spaces in the form of zones will make a home multifunctional. Work from home, highlighted the need for a work friendly space and environment. Making sustainable choices and creating green spaces for a healthy home environment are key improvements one must plan to bring in their lifestyle through home renovations. When a home renovation is led and executed by an expert interior designer, it can help achieve all the above factors along with customisation of the home as per one’s preferences.”

Asserting that locking down on your design style before renovating is key, Gabriel Gil, Head of Design and Innovation at Bonito Designs, advised, “You need to be absolutely sure about the colour theme for each room, lighting, usage of materials and most importantly the meticulous selection of your furniture and fixtures. I will always suggest that you have to keep in mind you are renovating your home for you and your family, so it is crucial you feel comfortable, represented by every element you added in the space. Your home has to tell your story and represent your soul. You love a piece of artwork? – include it as a focal point. You love one special colour? Paint one wall with it. At the end what matters is the feeling of belonging to your place.”

He listed three tips to keep in mind when planning to renovate home interiors:

1. Lighting and ventilation – The right lights can help define the room’s aesthetics and vibe. You must ensure the lighting is always indirect. Harsh or too dull lights could cause discomfort to your eyes. Lights emitting soft hues help create a warm and cosy ambience. I will recommend always using warm lights and never cool white. The difference is incredible and if it is a table or a floor lamp, better! It will add an elegant touch and a beautiful warm effect into the room. Natural light is an essential component which helps give character to your rooms. Ventilation goes hand in hand with natural light and is a key element. Installing windows and ventilation panels often help in making the room more spacious, while adding to the design.

2. Colours – Selecting the right colour scheme can help define how big or small your rooms will look. Darker colours tend to make your space look smaller while lighter colours make a room look larger. Added elements with a larger colour mix get difficult to absorb, which could come across as visual clutter. To give your home a minimalistic look, go with a lighter colour palette and avoid hyper design elements. Heavy pop colours and designs go against the minimalistic theme. The pop-up colours can be added in accessories such as cushions, decorative items, artwork, etc.

3. Furniture and fixtures – Drawer units, cupboards and closets, which are larger components could end up taking a lot of space and hence, it’s vital to be frugal in choosing these storage units. Your wardrobe should be meticulously built and placed in a way that it doesn’t overpower other design elements. An oversized unit could make a room look smaller and possibly cluttered. If you have a small room, always add low furniture pieces, avoid tall units. Include transparent furniture that you can see through, glass tables, a sofa with a low back, ottomans instead of armchairs, add mirrors on the wall and glass elements that will reflect the light and will make the space look bigger. If you are considering buying a rug, you have to know that big rugs make the space look bigger, and the same with artwork. It is the opposite of what you could imagine.

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