Living Room Interior Design: 7 ways to make more space

Every square footage matters in a tiny home. Therefore, it is wise to use techniques that create the illusion of extended space. Follow our suggestions to maximise space in your living room

We tell you how to make the most of your living room. Photo courtesy: Deepak Aggarwal/ Sanjyt Syngh

Live in a small home and are tired of the small square footage? Before you think of breaking your bank to invest in a bigger home, we suggest you hit pause. Are there ways to maximise space in your small dwelling? The answer is, yes. All you need is some clever ideas.

Let’s begin with the living room. “Scale and proportion should be carefully strategised to craft the sense of space in design. One of the most important aspects of ‘making space’ is by decluttering,” say Rakhee Bedi and Shobhit Kumar of RSDA. Here are some specific ways to make the most of available space.

Consider an Open Floor Plan

If you are in the middle of redesigning your home or have the budget to make some structural changes, we suggest you knock down a few walls and open up areas. An ideal open floor plan should be between the living room, dining and kitchen. The absence of walls creates a sense of openness. In case major structural changes are not possible, doors between these spaces can be removed too. “Dividing spaces by functionality, rather than solid partitions is essential to augment the volume,” says Vivek Singh Rathore of Salient.

An open floor plan makes a home seem larger and airer. Photo courtesy: Shamanth Patil, Rays and Greys/ Whitespace

Choose a Light Colour Palette

Use subdued colours for the living room walls as they reflect light and make the space seem large and breezy. Replace your dark greys and blues with colours like white, beige and cream to give an illusion of bigger space. Try shades of the same base colour. For a pop of hue, go in for bright accessories or plants. “Light colours on walls blur the boundaries between the wall and ceiling, essentially making the ceiling seem higher. This is valid for flooring as well. Use light tiles or wood to maximise the effect,” says Pankaj Poddar of Hipcouch.

White walls reflect maximum light, making the space seem large. Photo courtesy: Gokul Rao Kadam/ Essajees Atelier

Bring in Sunlight

Lighting affects the perception of each area. Avoid dim lights, dark corners and low-level lighting. Go in for a combination of pendant lights, recessed lamps and floor lighting and ensure that the light is focused on the central areas of the space. Natural light is also a space-enhancer. If your home is blessed with broad or corner windows then it is recommended to take advantage of the incoming natural light (choose simple blinds or sheer curtains for your windows). “Wall sconces help by evenly spreading light and saving floor space while adding to the aesthetics,” add Bedi and Kumar.

Allow plenty of nature light to flood your home. Photo courtesy: The Orange Lane

Use the Magic of Mirrors

A large mirror at the entrance of the living room or right opposite the front door works wonders as it reflects natural and artificial light and creates an illusion of space. It can be strategically placed across a window for optimum results to give an illusion of depth. Mirrors with artistic, vintage frames or even plain wood frames create an elegant look. “Using mirror-panelled walls also curates a sense of a larger space by adding volume,” adds Singh Rathore.

Opt for Multipurpose Furniture Pieces

In a small home, each piece of furniture should work extra hard to earn its place. This is why, choosing pieces that serve more than one purpose is ideal. Consider console tables with book shelves, nested tables and ottomans that offer many uses. Furniture with raised legs brings in a feeling of openness. Always remember to match the colour of the furniture with the scheme of the walls to create more depth and a feeling of space.

Furnish With Light Upholstery

Choose light and breezy fabrics while decorating your living room. Avoid heavy rugs and drapes that tend to make the room look boxy. Go in for cottons in cool colours as opposed to dark colours. “Full length curtains or even sheers can be used to make the space look airy and light. Half-length window curtains inadvertently make your space look smaller,” adds Poddar.

Choose light upholstery. Photo courtesy: Sebastian Zachariah/ Gaurav Kharkar & Associates

Keep it Simple

In general, small spaces can be made to look elegant by avoiding anything over-the-top or grandiose. For instance, opt for simple art pieces rather than elaborate pieces that clutter the wall. Avoid complicated colour palettes, patterns and prints. Refrain from unnecessary purchases, declutter and organise on a regular basis. A minimalistic approach can go a long way in making you

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